Welcome to Shanni's Google Toolbox For Business

Hello and Welcome! I'm Shanni, and I've been doing online business for 15 years. Recently came back to google blogs for many reasons as part of my network - The Face+ Network. I started this blog, because I know that nothing compares to the power that Google has when it comes to business online, and I love to share what I know and use with Google as well as connect with others. I do not legally claim any direct association with Google, nor am I an employee or an entity/property. I am just a freelance independent social media IBO that just wants to run a fun blog and share my wisdom with you. In fact earlier this year I started creating a program for business owners of any size using strictly Google properties. It is not complete so its not available but it will be soon, and this site and all the other new sites I have started recently will be incorporated into that. If you want to be notified when it is available, there will be a fee - it will NOT be free, (but it WILL be worth it), please subscribe to this blog and share it so that you and others can be the first to order it when it does come out. Thanks for your interest and support and I look forward to sharing my G+Tuts with you. :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Google Tricks & Tips -- Google Mirror - Make Reverse Google Search Box

Visit http://websitetricksandtips.blogspot.com for extra google google Tricks & Tips http://websitetricksandtips.blogspot.com rated: seen:2512

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